Monday, January 28, 2008

Generic Sql Table Data Insert Script


I have my own blog and this is my first posting. hurray.... I have been shying away from doing this for a long time now... finally pulled all my energies to start blogging tech stuff that I learn ...

There is so much that I learn and so much I forget all the time.... It is getting really tough to keep track of all that I have learned.... I hope I can keep up with posting useful stuff that I learn.

enough of my preamble now... cutting the chase and getting to my post...

How many time must I have thought " I wish I had a script that I would run with the table name as an argument and get insert statements for all the data in a Sql Server 2000/2005 table." Thanks to Narayana Vyas Kondreddi, I have got a script [1] that does exactly what I want. This is a cool utility that is very handy.

To generate INSERT statements for table 'titles':
EXEC sp_generate_inserts 'titles'
